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Kathy Carroll

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Kathy holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education and a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology, specializing in Gifted Education. She and her husband Kevin worship with the Brown Trail congregation in Bedford, TX, where he serves as an elder. They have two grown children, Kason and Kastin, whom they greatly enjoyed homeschooling. Prior to becoming a mom, Kathy taught high school Math and Computer Science near College Station, TX. Additionally, she has spent many years teaching Bible classes for women and children of all ages. She is a graduate of the Brown Trail School of Preaching Wives’ Program, has been teaching in the program since 1999, and has also served as its coordinator. Since becoming an empty nester, Kathy now teaches part time in the Math Department at Tarrant County College, while continuing to enjoy hosting Bible studies and teaching children, teen girls, and women in classes and at retreats, camps, and Ladies’ Days. She also enjoys the great outdoors and loves learning, teaching, encouraging, and meeting new people. She may be reached at KathyCarrollChristian@gmail.com.