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Jeanny Gilpin

Born and reared in Fayette, Alabama, Jeanny Gilpin has been married to Eddy since 1982. They live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia where they work with the church in Pulaski, Virginia. Eddy is the minister there and Jeanny teaches children's classes and the ladies' class. Jeanny’s older son, Kyle, is the minister of the East Side congregation in Cleveland, TN. He and his wife, Kellee, have 4 children: Brody, Karlee, Connor, and Hayden. Her younger son, Kirk, is a Project Manager for a company in Williamsburg, VA. He and his wife, Kacy, have two children: Charlie Kate and Cooper.

In the early 90s, Jeanny and her family served as missionaries in Tanzania, East Africa where she educated the missionary children and also taught English in an African school. She has both a B.S. and M.A. in Elementary Education and is a Nationally Board Certified Teacher in Early Adolescence Mathematics. She spent many years teaching elementary and middle school math. She also holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Virginia Tech. Jeanny has been Adjunct Professor at both Ferrum College and Roanoke College and helped to train preservice teachers at Virginia Tech. She serves on the state board of the Virginia Professional Educators.

Jeanny and Eddy conduct marriage seminars entitled, “Making Marriage More Meaningful” and she regularly teaches ladies’ classes, speaks on lectureships and ladies’ days. She has published articles in Christian publications, as well as mathematics research journals, and has authored four novel guides for use by elementary teachers. Jeanny is retired from teaching public school and enjoys being with her family and living in the country with her fruit trees and wildlife.