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Myron Bruce

Singing with the Spirit
Paul wrote that we are called to "sing with the spirit and sing with understanding." (I Corinthians 14:15) Jesus said we are to worship in spirit and in truth, and most of us want to sing with the spirit. But how often do we find ourselves 'singing with the spirit' and yet failing to understand WHAT we are singing. "Polishing the Pews" will not only renew, refresh and recharge our song service, our objective will be to energize, encourage and empower the worshiper with a clearer realization of why we sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.

My Speakers Sessions

Wednesday, July 10

2:00pm CDT

Thursday, July 11

8:00am CDT

Friday, July 12

8:00am CDT

Saturday, July 13

6:00pm CDT

Sunday, July 14

9:00am CDT

5:00pm CDT

Monday, July 15

8:00am CDT